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Blogger Polls - Add or Save to Post

Posted by Leathergloves on Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to add or save a Blogger Widget Poll to a Blog Post? During or after conducting a poll, you may like to copy your poll to the post. Either to the relevant post to be more prominent or as a record for reference (good for sorting and using a label to display past polls).

1) Create a "Blogger Widget Poll" inside your sidebar, just like you've done before. Make sure to give it an easy to find/remember Title.

2) After the Blogger Widget Poll, is added to your sidebar, visit your blogs HomePage in your Browser (I'm working with Internet Explorer as my Browser).

3) After you have your HomePage loaded into your Browser window, Go to the top Toolbar & View/Source (of your blogs Homepage) HTML.

4) In a text editor (Windows Notepad) etc... Find/Search for the Title to your new Polls Title.

5) Copy (Right Click/Copy) the HTML Code that looks similar to the code below:

6) Paste your new Polls HTML into your Blogger Post/Article.

7) After you get the Blogger Widget HTML, you can go ahead & delete the Blogger Widget Poll, from your Sidebar, we only needed that to get the HTML source code.

The actual Poll is inside an iframe, I also added bit of HTML code to prevent the Poll from adding a scrollbar to the Poll, I didn’t like the way it looks with a scrollbar on the Poll inside a Blog Post, so this is just an option, to remove scrollbars, after the (height="275") add this code (scrolling="no").

Once you have the Polls HTML Code, you can change a few things to make it look better in your Blog Post, for example, Blogger sets the default width of a Blogger Poll to 100%, If you want to add a Poll to a Post/Article I think it would look better as a fixed number (example: width:275), the same goes for the Poll Height, iframe border etc...

I also suggest changing the h2 heading to h3 for a smaller, less intrusive title.

Below is a working example of a Blogger Widget Poll, inserted in a Blogger Blog Post.

What is Your Favorite Leather Wear?

Next Post: Blogger Image Sizes


BlackBoba said...

thanks gloves .. i think i got it kind of right the results showed up ..thats all that counts for me

Lauren Wayne said...

Thanks for this! I've got the code, and this was really helpful.

If I try to change the width and take out scrolling, it just truncates the code and cuts off in the middle of the sentence without showing results, so I had to keep scrolling in. I think it's because my poll items were so loooong. Oh, well!

I put it here: Thanks again!

Leathergloves said...

That explained BlackBoba's result bars not showing up. The updated the code with scrolling='no' taken out. But I still left it optional in the afternote.

Thanks Hobo Mama, I have learnt something from you as well.

cjmd80 said...

thanks for the post!!
this was exactly what I was after for my blog which you can see is working so far

Thanks again

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